Happy International Health Day!

Manasi Kurlekar
3 min readApr 7, 2022

International health day!

Today is international health day, let me congratulate each and everyone who are reading this post for being a fighter and thriv’er after the massive pandemic in 2020–21.

Today we all are now educated about how it is important to have healthy individual in all sense.

When we are considering someone as a healthy that does not mean that he never will feel sick but the capacity of healing or fighting back. For body, we need strong immune system, for mind, we need strong healing capability and for soul, we need rejuvenating power.

We all know some or other ways to stay strong, stay healthy all the time. But today let me share my perspective for being healthy on the occasion of International Health Day.

According to Patanjali Yoga Sutra


The perfection of the body includes beauty, gracefulness, strength, and unstoppable determination.

The Bhagavad Gita also reckons mental health in great detail. A mentally sound and healthy individual is referred to as a sthitaprajna, which means a man of steady wisdom.

How to attain the state of Sthitapradnya.

There are 4 P which in Paripurna Life believes the most important to build individual Ecosystem. Each person has his own Ecosystem to survive in this world. And for that the Paripurna Life has built a unique Ecosystem where each type of individual can be beneficial to a disease free.

1. The first P is Positivity — this will anchor everyone in the chaos of life situation, but only being positive is not enough but to take positive actions like having positive self-talk, positive affirmations, eliminating negative assertiveness is the first P.

2. Second P is persona — Persona is the way people perceive you, and that is reflected by mostly what you eat. Not only as a food for body but food for your thoughts. And capability of eating anything is not a big deal but having capability of digesting those is a crucial deal.

3. The third P is Proper Practice — We all have a bagful information of how to be healthy, happy, keep calm, stressless, but do we even bother to apply it??? Even we wanted to apply it, do we know how do we be persistent in that way? For that matter we require knowledge of Proper Practice and that can be learn only by the experienced teacher.

4. The fourth and last P is Peace — How many of you have some bothering questions unanswered for yourself or may be for others? Whatever you do in a day, how beautiful a day was but, in the night, there are some bothering thoughts never allow you to sleep, that means you are far away from the peace. Peace never happens, but we need to perform some proper practice to be in peace with self and with the situation.

If you know how follow these 4 P then you are a 4 step near to your healthy life.

What you can do at home to build strong body, healing mind and rejuvenating soul:

The answers you already know

1. Start reflective writing — There are many ways to write a dairy, but reflective writing is a great tool to learn from our past, stop repeating patterns and progress in our spiritual life.

2. Do Yoga and meditation’ — Yoga and Meditation helps you to bring union in your actions and thoughts.

3. Take proper coaching for your wellness — There are many types of coaching but according to me Vedic Approach in Coaching is what we need today. In Vedic Coaching we set goals not for the career but for the Life Purpose. Your life purpose can not be your career, but your career can be your life purpose. Having a life coach in your life will definitely help you to attain a fulfilling peace in your life. And that is what we all need today.

This year the international health is celebrated for “Our Planet our Health”. Let’s take some tiny steps that may contribute to our planet to be healthy to be peaceful. If every individual is well educated about their Life Purpose, then there could be only and only peace in this world.

©Manasi Kurlekar



Manasi Kurlekar

Manasi is a Wellness Promoter & a human resource professional. She loves to empower people to lead their life towards healthy mind, body, soul & wealth.